Prayers for Peacemakers, July 13, 2013


Prayers for Peacemakers, June 13, 2013

   Epixel* for July 14, 2013
  “How long will you judge
unjustly and show
partiality to the wicked?…”
Psalm 82:2
  Police line in Kent County, New
Brunswick// Photo: Root Force

*epixel: a snapshot-epistle to
the churches related
to and appearing with a text
from the upcoming
Revised CommonLectionary

Give thanks that Warrior Chief John Levi of
Elsipogtog was released on his own recognizance on Monday after an arrest for
probation violations stemming from a June 21 demonstration in which Canadian
police had arrested other people, but had neither arrested nor cited him.  The arrest seemed designed to do harm
to Levi’s standing in his community.

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