IRAQI KURDISTAN URGENT ACTION: Please send e-mails before 9 December to Judicial Council of Kurdistan Region of Iraq for political prisoner Hajjii Husseini


2 December 2013
e-mails before 9 December to Judicial Council of Kurdistan Region of Iraq for
political prisoner Hajjii Husseini


Husseini with CPT visitors at
the prison.

In October, CPT Iraqi Kurdistan put out a release about the
case of Hussein Hama Ali Tawfiq (known as Hajji Hussein).  He will be having a hearing a week from
today and is very much afraid the authorities will find an excuse (e.g., an
investigation into his ill-treatment) to keep him in prison longer.  The Iraqi Kurdistan team is thus asking
that the CPT constituency to send e-mails this week to the Presidency of the
Judicial Council of Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Attention: Mr. Hozan,

Below is a sample e-mail

Dear Mr. Hozan

I have learned from several international human rights organizations about the
case of the businessman, Mr. Hussein Hama Ali Tawfiq (known as Hajji Hussein),
who since September 2013 has been held in Kani Goma prison in Suleimani.

Mr. Hussein claims that after he was imprisoned on 27 March 2012 in an Asaish
prison, he had been ill-treated, beaten and under physical violence and threats
aimed at his family, was pressured to sign a false accusation against then-Mayor
of Sulaimani Mr. Zana Hama Salih and other politicians, which he refused to
do.  On 4 April 2012,
representatives of the Human Rights Committee of the KRG Parliament visited Mr.
Hussein in prison and wrote a report proving that he had been ill-treated.

I understand that after refusing to sign false accusations, Mr. Hussein had
been charged with involvement in corruption.  He was later acquitted and released in November 2012.  He traveled to Germany to receive
treatment for his injuries.  While
he was in Germany, his case was appealed. 
I further understand Mr. Hussein voluntarily returned to seek a just
resolution in September 2013, and was re-arrested on arrival.

The authorities produced no evidence to support the corruption accusations
against Mr. Hussein to the Sulaimani Criminal court, yet he remains in prison.  During the last court hearing on 25
November, the judges began to investigate the validity of his claim of the ill-treatment
he reportedly experienced in prison.  Christian Peacemaker Teams, along with other organizations
and international community, believes that this investigation should not be
used as an excuse to keep Mr. Hussein in detention. 

Mr. Hozan, please look into this case and see that Mr. Hussein is released
soon.  The next court hearing is
scheduled to take place on 9 December.  We would like to ask you to make sure that no forces, apart
from justice, influence the judges’ decisions and the process. 

We believe that your involvement is crucial and will generate justice.  We believe that you can make a
difference and bring about the just resolution to this case.

Yours sincerely,


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