CPT INTERNATIONAL: Sacred power infuses CPT Americas Convergence, Giving Tuesday


13 December 2013
Sacred power infuses CPT Americas Convergence, Giving Tuesday

 by Sarah Thompson

During the well-attended CPT workshop at the School of
the Americas vigil 22-24 November 2013, we mingled sharing from teams and
undoing oppressions with moments of song and silence.  We sought to make the workshop more than
just informational.  We wanted to
embody in the workshop the presence and power of the sacred, because
acknowledging that sacred power is what makes this life-work sustainable for
us.  Sarah Thompson facilitated
invitationally, and Chris Knestrick wrote the following prayer, interspersing
sections with stories CPTers shared (Sandra Milena Rincón Vidal about Colombia
and Iraqi Kurdistan, Peter Haresnape about Aboriginal Justice, Tim Nafziger
about Undoing Oppressions, and Jonathan Brenneman about Palestine):

  CPTers at conclusion of 24 November SOA Watch vigil


We must commit:

can only move out as far as we have moved in.

we commit to the work of undoing oppression in ourselves, organizations, and

in doing so can we build right relationships.

We are invited:

turn our hearts towards the global South, to learn about resistance from
communities like Las Pavas.

May our bodies participate in
their struggle.

By joining with them, they will
teach us the meaning of solidarity.

We must follow:                 

their steadfastness the people of Palestine teach us non-violent resistance.

we follow in their footsteps and seek the end of the occupation.


We must recognize:

May we always recognize that we
are settlers on this land.  It has
been stolen and desecrated.

May we recognize the people who
lived here before us and join them in relationship,

Hearing their call to heal the
earth and honor the ways of our indigenous sisters and brothers.We must learn:

the people of Kurdistan struggle against ExxonMobil and displacement,

too must learn to struggle against violence like our brothers and sisters.

We struggle because our brothers
and sisters struggle.

In Kurdistan, they struggle.

In Colombia, they struggle.

In Palestine, they struggle.

On Turtle Island, they struggle.

The struggle is Global. We are

The struggle is against racism,
violence and displacement.

It is for a new life and a
healed earth.

May our participation become our

The workshop was a part of the larger CPT Americas
Convergence, a gathering that brought together new and seasoned CPTers and our
supporters, to join the mass mobilization for de-militarization 22-24
November.  We accompanied events
happening at the gates of Ft. Benning US
military training base
, and witnessed to the conditions and stories of the
immigrants detained at Stewart Detention
.  Former Steering
Committee member Anton Flores and the Alterna
organization he leads hosted us with much love and integrity.

Soon after everyone returned home CPT participated for
the first time in #Givingtuesday.  CPT
organizers set a one-day goal of raising $1,100 (1% of the Plowing and Planting Major Donor Campaign
goal) and we accomplished it!  Both
the spirit of togetherness present at the CPT Americas Convergence, and working
collectively to raise the funds needed are deep encouragements for the long
haul of building partnerships to transform violence and oppression.

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