Prayers for Peacemakers, July 30, 2015 Iraqi Kurdistan


Prayers for
Peacemakers, July 30, 2015
    Iraqi Kurdistan

Pray for the Kurdish villagers living in the mountainous
border regions between Iraqi Kurdistan and Turkey. In 2012, Turkey and the
Kurdish resistance entered into a delicate truce.  The bombing ended in the area where the
villagers of Basta live. They rejoiced and put money into building a new mosque
with the hope that people would come back to the village. This
week the bombing started again.

*Epixel for Sunday, July 25, 2015 

 The LORD sent Nathan to David. He came to him, and said to him,
“There were two men in a certain city, the one rich and the other poor.

The rich man had very many flocks and herds;
but the poor man had nothing but one little ewe lamb, which he had
bought. He brought it up, and it grew up with him and with his children;
 it used to eat of his meager fare, and drink from his cup, and lie in his
 bosom,  and it was like a daughter to him.

Now there came a traveler to the rich man, and he was loath to take one of
his own flock or herd to prepare for the wayfarer who had come to him,
but he took the poor man’s lamb, and prepared that for the guest
 who had come  to him.”

Then David’s anger was greatly kindled against the man. He said to Nathan,
“As the LORD lives, the man who has done this deserves to die;

he shall restore the lamb fourfold, because he did this thing, and because
 he had no pity.”

Nathan said to David, “You are the man!  2 Samuel 12: 1-7

 *epixel: a snapshot-epistle to the churches related to and appearing with a text
 from the upcoming Sunday’s 
Revised Common Lectionary readings.

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