AL-KHALIL (HEBRON): A week in photos 5-11 November 2015


16 November 2015
AL-KHALIL (HEBRON): A week in photos 5-11 November 2015

A week of occupation in photos: Click photos for links 
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Tear Gas Mornings 

Pictured here: Israeli border police continue with their policy of collective punishment in response to a collection of school children throwing stones at Qitoun checkpoint. The gas Israeli forces currently use appears to be much more potent than usual at school time. While most children run as fast as they can away from the gas, explosions and posturing Israeli border police, some pick up steaming gas canisters and throw them back at the Israeli Border Police who fired them. 

Collective Punishment

Pictured here: A woman making her way towards Qitoun checkpoint covers her mouth to keep from breathing in the fumes of the tear gas Israeli Border Police fired in response to a collection of children throwing stones at the checkpoint they are forced to pass through every day. The relentless use of tear gas daily at school time in Hebron impacts everyone who lives in the area in which it is fired.  



Access Restricted 

Pictured here: This week CPTers and other protective presence workers such as ISM (International Solidarity Movement) have experienced more restrictions when going about our work in the H2 area of Hebron. The Israeli Occupation authorities have implemented new “military control zones” have resulting in the restriction of human rights documentation and protective presence. 



Returning the Martyrs

Pictured here: Another demonstration demanding the return of eleven bodies of Palestinians from Hebron killed in the surge of violence in recent weeks, made it way through Hebron streets. The withholding of bodies of Palestinians that Israeli forces have extrajudicially executed prevents the adherence to Muslim traditions regarding burial and prayer, forcing “religious transgressions of mourning relatives,” who are unable to see and bury their loved ones. After the demonstration ended, clashes began at Bab iz Zaweyeh. 




Pictured here: An Israeli Border Policeman holds extra tear gas canisters for reloading. Israeli Border Police continue with their policy of collective punishment of relentlessly tear gassing daily during school time, in response to a collection of students throwing stones at the towering Qitoun checkpoint in Hebron. 



Choosing Targets 

Pictured here: An Israeli Border Policeman points towards school children, presumably choosing a target. What isn’t visible is that the Border Police on the left is holding a gun that is ready to fire rubber coated steel bullets. In addition to the relentless tear gas daily during school time, Israeli Border Police also frequently, threateningly posture with rubber-coated steel bullets. This is all part of the wall of violent repression that children face on their way to school.   



Kindergarten Friends 

Pictured here: Walking our kindergarten friends to and from school is one of the biggest highlights of our days and work in occupied Hebron. Because of the declaration of a “military control zone” around the Ibrahimi Mosque area of Hebron, CPT has been unable to do our accompaniment of Rouhe and his friends to kindergarten. Visiting Rouhe’s family recently, his father told us that he does not feel worried for his son when we walk with him. We hope we can hold the hands of our kindergarten friends again very soon.



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