AL-KHALIL (HEBRON) Week in photos 15-28 December, 2015


29 December 2015
AL-KHALIL (HEBRON) Week in photos 15-28 December, 2015


In solidarity with the bereaved

On 17 December 2015 hundreds of supporters marched through the streets of Hebron in support of the campaign by the families of Palestinians killed in recent weeks by Israeli troops for the return of the bodies of their sons and daughters.  The men in this photo are members of the group that meets in the solidarity tent in Hebron.  Round their necks they have images of their dead children or other family members.

‘We Need Our Children’

The motto of the group of bereaved families who meet each day in a solidarity tent off Ein Sara in Hebron is ‘We need our children.’ The group’s message during the 17 December demonstration was even more stark: ‘We want the bodies of our loved ones back.’


New gate at Qurtuba School

To get to and from Qurtuba School children and teachers have to pass at least one checkpoint, walk past soldiers and sometimes aggressive settlers, and climb a crumbling set of steps. When CPTers covered lunchtime school patrol at Qurtuba on 15 December 2015 they observed that the Israeli military had installed another obstacle: a makeshift gate on the flight of steps.


What children see on their way to school

As children were making their way to Ziad Jaber School on the morning of 16 December 2015, including a group of boys pushing their friend in a wheelchair, soldiers were checking IDs and carrying out bag and body searches. Teachers were not exempt from these checks. Out of the picture, one young boy was watching this particular search.  The soldier shouted at him to leave.

When a white line is a red line

During the week the Israeli military painted two sets of white lines between the Ibrahimi Mosque and the Qitoun/209 checkpoint.  These are lines behind which soldiers require Palestinians to wait for ID checks or body or bag searches.  The soldiers are presumably looking for potential weapons.  Meantime, Israeli settlers cross these lines freely, sometimes with an automatic rifle very much in evidence. 

A small act of nonviolent resistance

On the morning of 20 December 2015 Israeli soldiers were stopping all Palestinian men, young and old, for checks. The soldiers first indicated that the men should throw their IDs on the ground and, after checking them, the soldiers threw them back on the ground.  It was disrespectful.  The CPTer there was surprised to see a soldier bringing out a chair for  an older Palestinian man.  The man told her proudly, ‘I refused to throw my photo on the street, and they brought a chair.’  He put his ID on the chair and the soldiers returned it to the chair after checking.  A small act of resistance.  An important assertion of one man’s humanity and dignity.

Exam time!!

Children here have to pass checkpoints and soldiers, and sometimes settlers, to get to school.  But they still have to sit their exams.  This young boy was rushing to school this morning past the Qitoun/209 checkpoint for his mid-term exams.  Good luck to him and to all the other pupils in Hebron!

Tear gas as children return home from school

As children headed home after a day of exams, some boys threw stones and the Israeli military repeatedly fired tear gas. The clouds of gas enveloped everyone on the street.  A young man tried to shelter a little girl; a teacher led his pupils along the street; and CPTers gave wet wipes to small children and adults to cover their noses.

A threatening smell

The Israeli military drove this skunk water vehicle through Qitoun/209 checkpoint, around the area, and then back to the checkpoint, where it remained throughout the time children and teachers were making their way to school. A border police officer stopped these two boys and interrogated them next to the smelly vehicle. (Skunk water is sprayed in Palestinian neighborhoods as a form of collective punishment.)

Who will be next?

Photos of young Palestinians killed since October adorn the solidarity tent established by bereaved families who continue to demand and await the return of their loved ones’ bodies. The question mark below these two teenage boys conveys the community’s shared anxiety: Who will be next?

Routine stop and frisk

On patrol in the Old City, CPTers witnessed Israeli soldiers and police body search five men (four of whom are pictured here) with no provocation. They also stopped several vehicles, three of which were searched. 


The start of Shabbat on the Prayer Road

As settlers from Kiryat Arba made their way to worship, Israeli soldiers stopped, ID checked, and body searched Palestinian men of all ages, including this young man with his horse. Before being allowed to proceed, the Palestinians were ordered to stand at a distance while groups of settlers passed. This young man was also told to walk with his horse rather than riding it.



Friday prayers

Lengthy checks at the Ibrahimi Mosque checkpoint considerably delayed worshippers on their way to Friday noon prayers (December 25). During much of the delay the worshippers sang together in prayer.



Celebrating in Bethlehem

CPTers went to Bethlehem on Christmas Eve to join in the celebrations. A highlight was the parade of the scout bands, featuring boys, girls, young men and women.  This boy was one of the scouts walking proudly with his friends.


Copyright © *|2015|* *|LIST:Christian Peacemaker Teams|*, All righ

We hope you had a wonderful holidays!  The Palestine team spent one night in Bethlehem, then straight back to work on Christmas Day to monitor Friday prayers. Support their work ethic.

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