AL-KHALIL (HEBRON): A week in photos 15-21 April 2016


29 April 2016
AL-KHALIL (HEBRON): A week in photos 15-21 April 2016

A week of occupation in photos: Click photos for links 

Tear Gas 

Pictured here: An Israeli Border Police prepares to launch a tear gas canister at a group of children.  Children often throw rocks at the checkpoints and soldiers respond with tear gas and sound bombs.  The tear gas interrupts the morning walk to school for many kids.  In addition the tear gas floats into open shops and open windows of the homes that line the street.

Tear Gas Engulfs the Street

Pictured here:  The next day the Israeli Border Police shoot five tear gas canisters down the street.  The gas burns the eyes and makes breathing difficult.  Everyone out on the street must navigate these chocking clouds to get to work and school.

Building up the Checkpoint

Pictured hereIsraeli Border Police have recently been expanding their checkpoints, adding new metal detectors, and also adding containment facilitates to hold Palestinians that they arrest.



No Passage 

Pictured here: A young Palestinian youth pushes his bike under the barbwire at the checkpoint.  After passing his bike through, he crawled under himself.  The checkpoint turnstiles are too tight for a bike and the Israeli Border Police rarely open the gate for youth.

Detained on the Way to Pray 

Pictured here: Palestinian men are detained on their way to pray at the Ibrahimi Mosque in the old city of Hebron.  

Jewish Settler Children Play in the Street 

Pictured here: Four small Jewish boys play in the foreground while two Palestinian children watch in the background.  The settler children play under the watchful eye of Israeli army.

Palestinian Beauty

Pictured here: A rose grows in the garden of a Palestinian home in Hebron.  The occupation is brutal for the Palestinians.  Yet they still cultivate beauty all around.


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