AL-KHALIL (HEBRON): A week in photos 4-10 October 2016


14 October 2016
AL-KHALIL (HEBRON): A week in photos 4-10 October 2016


Learning Delayed 

Pictured here: Israeli Border Police prevented thirty-eight children and two teachers from passing through the checkpoint for almost thirty minutes. As a result, students not only witnessed their teachers’ detention, but they were also late to school.
(October 6, 2016)

Military Bureaucracy

Pictured here: Israeli Border Police stop and demand IDs of any teachers passing through the checkpoint who are not on their list. The principal of the Ibrahimi school, who has taught there for four years, is also not on this list.
(October 6, 2016)

Settler Tour I

Pictured here: The weekly settler tour through Hebron’s old city saw heavily armed soldiers escorting a group of Israeli children. Settlers and prospective settlers who come on this tour often make their presence felt by harrassing Palestinian residents.
(October 10, 2016)

Settler Tour II

Pictured here: The weekly settler tour through Hebron’s old city saw heavily armed soldiers preventing Palestinian children from riding their bikes outside their homes. Palestinians who live, work, or pass through the Old City must stay out of the way or take alternate routes.
(October 10, 2016)

Armed Settlers 

Pictured here:  Al-Shuhada Street has been closed to Palestinians since 1994, and is heavily guarded by Israeli soldiers. Even so, settlers who walk on it often choose to carry rifles.
(October 6, 2016)

Settler Disruption 

Pictured here: On Fridays, CPT monitors the road by the Kiryat Arba settlement, the largest in Hebron. An armed settler took offence to our presence and tried to prevent us from taking any pictures or filming. 
(October 7, 2016)

Continued Resiliance

(October 4, 2016)


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