AL-KHALIL (HEBRON) A week in photos


18 November 2016
AL-KHALIL (HEBRON) A week in photos


Motherhood in Hebron

Pictured here: A 15-year-old boy was arrested for allegedly carrying a ‘dangerous item’ in his bag. His mother waited anxiously outside the police station to get news of her son, crying for him. The police did not allow her in for almost thirty minutes. CPTers were told the Israeli Police were waiting for a ‘special investigator’ to arrive to question the child. 
(November 14, 2016)

“Will I be part of the 1%?”

Pictured here: The 15-year-old boy arrested yesterday was taken in this police van to another police station in the illegal Kiryat Arba settlement. Under Israeli Military law, Palestinians cease being children at age 12, meaning they can be prosecuted in the military courts. Over 99% of the cases end in conviction. Read more…
(November 14, 2016)

When everyone is a suspect 

Pictured here: After the arrest of the boy, who allegedly was carrying a ‘dangerous item’ in his backpack, Israeli Border Police increased restrictions of movement to women and men. They told women to hand over their bags and wait about three metres away whilst they were searched. This sudden increase of restrictions and searches, supposedly based on security, is a collective punishment for the whole community. Read and watch more here…
(November 14, 2016)

“Kill all the Arabs” – she said

Pictured here: An Israeli woman approached CPTers who were monitoring a child arrest and told them “I love Assad, you know why? Because he wants to kill all the Arabs.” Settlements within Hebron are home to many Jewish fundamentalists who promote Anti-Arab ideologies .  Their presence contributes the most to the high level of violence within the city. Read more… 
(November 14, 2016)

A Law Unto Themselves 

Pictured here: Two Israeli settlers walk freely in the Souq, one of them carrying a pistol. “The Israeli government’s failure to enforce the rule of law in relation to violent settlers remains a key concern, one which has been repeatedly highlighted by a range of local and international stakeholders, including the UN Secretary-General for years.[viii] According to the Israeli Human Rights Organization, Yesh Din, a complaint submitted by a Palestinian to the Israel police has less than a two per cent chance of leading to an investigation, trial and conviction.” Read more… 
(November 12, 2016)

More than just a tree 

Pictured here: CPTers visited an olive press this week to understand better the importance of the olive harvest for Palestinian families. This family comes from Jerusalem each year to press their olives in Hebron. Over 100,000 Palestinian families depend directly and indirectly on the olive harvest. Watch our video here.
(November 10, 2016)

Joyful Moment

(November 10, 2016)

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