AL-KHALIL (HEBRON) A week in photos May 2 – 8


AL-KHALIL (HEBRON) A week in photos  May 2 – 8



Child detentions


Pictured here: Many young Palestinian men and boys were targeted by Israeli forces this week who accuse them of throwing stones in the clashes last week.  In the above photo, a 14-year-old boy from a village outside of al-Khalil/Hebron was on his way with two of his friends to pray at Ibrahimi mosque when soldiers detained him for over an hour, questioned him, and blindfolded him before taking him into the military base.  Below, a 16-year-old boy from the Old City was taken by Israeli soldiers behind the military gate and detained for 20 minutes.  

(May 1 & 6, 2017)


Don’t Move


Pictured here: Israeli Border Police shot a 20-year-old Palestinian man outside the Ibrahimi mosque early Thursday morning.   He suffered serious injuries from the bullet wound.  As a result, Israeli occupation forces closed the mosque checkpoint, further limiting Palestinian movement.  

(May 4, 2017)


Apartheid Streets

Pictured here: A day after the young man was shot by Border Police, Israeli occupation forces installed 25 meters of concrete barriers and fencing in the vicinity of the shooting.   These barriers were added to an already partitioned street, which further segregates the streets of a Palestinian neighbourhood in al-Khalil/Hebron.  

(May 5, 2017)



Pictured here:  Clashes broke out on Friday when the Israeli military entered the H1 area under Palestinian control.  Soldiers spread out throughout the area of Bab iZaweyeh, occupying rooftops and taking over the streets with military jeeps and a water cannon truck.

(May 5, 2017)




Pictured here: Israeli military spray excessive skunk water onto homes and businesses in Bab iZaweyeh.  This foul-smelling chemical covered the streets on Friday and can still be smelled days later.  Apart from skunk water, the soldiers fired 35 sound bombs and 14 tear gas canisters during clashes that lasted for 7 hours. 

(May 5, 2017)


Settler Harassment 


Pictured here: With Israeli settlements in such close proximity to Palestinian homes and shops in al-Khalil/Hebron, the local community experiences frequent harassment and violence from settlers who have access to the roofs above.  This week settlers dumped sand down into the marketplace (top), poured urine onto shopkeeper’s merchandise (not pictured), and threw stones while the soldier watched (right).  Another shopkeeper opened the tap of his sink to show the soap suds gathering; a sign that settlers had filled his rooftop water tank with soap (left).      

(May 4/6/7, 2017)


Settler Harassment 


Pictured here: Palestinian girls walk to school on Sunday morning, followed closely by an Israeli settler.  The children from this school must pass through a checkpoint on Shuhada Street before ascending these stairs and through a gate controlled by Israeli soldiers.  Israeli access to these stairs is prohibited but the soldiers allowed this settler through the gate and into the school area where there were many children visibly distressed by his presence.  He walked around the area for about 10 minutes and then left the area.         

(May 7, 2017)




Pictured here: 1,600 Palestinian prisoners have now been on hunger strike for 22 days.  Please keep updated with their hunger strike, read the demands they are calling for and show your solidarity any way you can.  This morning the CPT Palestine team completed the salt and water challenge.  This is a small thing you can all do to show your solidarity with the Palestinian political prisoners. Complete this challenge and call on your friends, family, and community to do the same.            

(May 8, 2017)

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