AL-KHALIL (HEBRON) A week in photos June 5 – 12


A week of occupation in photos: June 6 – June 12
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“Resist with Prayer” 


Pictured here: The 15th day of Ramadan marked the lunar anniversary of the 1994 massacre in Al-Ibrahimi Mosque, in which 29 Palestinians were killed by a Jewish settler while they were praying inside. On this 24th anniversary, our local partner, Dismantle the Ghetto, organized a public action in memory and resistance, calling for large numbers of people to gather at the mosque to pray. All wearing black t-shirts that read, “Resist with Prayer,” the participants were denied access through the checkpoint while Israeli Occupying Forces (IOF) threatened to fire tear gas and use other excessive force. The response of the demonstrators was to pray together outside the checkpoint, declaring to the IOF that they did not wish for there to be violence.  

Photo Credit: Dismantle the Ghetto   

(June 10, 2017)


Excessive Force

Pictured here: During the nonviolent action mentioned above, Israeli Border Police threaten to fire tear gas to disperse the crowd. Israeli forces continually pushed observers back from the checkpoint, attempting to limit their documentation of the incident.   

(June 10, 2017)


Friday Prayers 


Pictured here: Worshipers enter Al-Ibrahimi Mosque for afternoon prayers on the second Friday of Ramadan. Though many more Palestinians access the mosque during Ramadan than other times of the year, the Israeli military continues to enforce tight control of movement in and out. Most men were ID checked walking through the checkpoints going in, and many women had their bags searched. Israel also increases their presence throughout the Old City during prayer times, lining all roads that lead to the mosque with soldiers.

(June 9, 2017)


Settler Incursion

Pictured here:  Soldiers and Border Police stand guard during the weekly settler incursion through the Souq. The large crowds that fill the Old City during Ramadan have gladly made it difficult for the incursion to be conducted; the first week it had to be stopped only a few minutes after it began. However, rather than simply allowing the holiday to continue without the disruption, for the last two weeks the incursion has been moved from its regular afternoon time to the morning, before the streets fill with people.  

(June 10, 2017)


“We Don’t Play Here”

Pictured here:  A short clip put together by CPT about the recent arrests and detainment of children and adults in the Old City of Al-Khalil. Today another person was arrested, an 18-year-old boy. CPT reported the arrest of 8 people and the detention of 28 people in a four week period. Watch the video here

(June 13, 2017)


Colours and Life of Ramadan

(June 9, 2017)

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