Prayers for Peacemakers, 13 December 2017
Pray for Shoal Lake 40 First Nation community, who CPT Indigenous Peoples Solidarity Team partners with in their struggle for clean drinking water and an all-weather access road to the mainland. Pray for the local and provincial authorities to make the right decisions at their annual meeting on December 19.
Hold the Province of Manitoba and City of Winnipeg party to the 1989 Tripartite Agreement with Shoal Lake 40 First Nation in your thoughts and prayers. At a time of fiscal austerity in Manitoba, may the Province and City enter this annual meeting on December 19 with compassionate hearts and receptive minds. Since the 1989 signing of the Tripartite Agreement, Shoal Lake 40 has suffered under restricted development on the reserve and a 20-year boil water advisory in return for clean drinking water in Winnipeg and the promise of alternate economic opportunity.
Photo: “Honour our Agreements” rally during the
Tripartite Agreement meeting at Winnipeg City Council Building in
December 2016.
(from CPT-Indigenous Peoples Solidarity archive)