This shelter, sitting on the Mexican side of the border wall at the U.S. port of entry, is the last stop for people who have come to Agua Prieta, Sonora, to seek asylum in the US. The campamento—or camp—is the end of a weeks’-long, or even months’-long journey. Now these people live at the shelter, waiting for their turn to request asylum. That wait took seven to ten days last summer but has now stretched to twice that long as the U.S. customs officials accept fewer and fewer people. In addition, because of pressure from the Mexican authorities, people will soon no longer be able to sleep in the camp.
Please pray that the asylum-seekers will continue to be courageous in a difficult and uncertain situation. Ask that both U.S. and Mexican authorities will not lose their humanity. Give thanks for the organizations, churches, and people on both sides of the border who are giving help and support to these people who are seeking a safer place to live.