Prayers for Peacemakers 25 December 2019


Christian Peacemaker Teams Palestine urges you to join us in praying for God to give us the strength to continue the struggle against oppressors and the agents of military occupation in this Holy Land and to continue to stand firm beside our Palestinian partners, neighbors and friends who have faced oppression, displacement, suffering and apartheid for more than six decades.

Pray for the leaders and the policy makers to become inspired to find justice and equality; realizing that such is the only way that leads to the genuine peace this region needs and not one that destroys human beings of many generations.

Pray that decision-makers and the international community will not content themselves with managing the crisis but instead commit themselves to the serious task of finding a way to resolve it. Let them put a stop to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, deprivation of freedom, and building of separation walls that turn towns and villages into prisons and distance people from one another.

Jeremiah 6:14 says, “They have treated the wound of my people carelessly, saying, ‘Peace, peace,” when there is no peace.’”

Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) is grateful to all of our friends for their continuing solidarity towards undoing the ongoing oppression and the occupation of Palestine by the Israeli government.

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