Please hold the residents of Pikpa close to you. Pikpa is an independent camp for the most vulnerable migrants in Lesvos, run by local and international volunteers in the spirit of solidarity and active participation. After years of enduring the threat of closure, which intensified over the last few months, Pipka’s residents were brutally evicted. Police arrived in the early hours of October 30th and separated residents from staff and volunteers before putting almost 80 men, women, and children onto buses to transfer them to a camp run by the municipality, Kara Tepe. The government plans to close down Kara Tepe by the end of the year and shift all migrants to the new Moria 2.0, built on a swamp and demined land.
The forced closure of Pikpa is the latest in a series of clampdowns on solidarity by the Greek state with the tacit support of the European Union.