We give thanks for the years of advocacy and relationship-building work of the Haudenosaunee Wildlife and Habitat Authority. We are grateful for the cultural vitality of Indigenous Nations across Turtle Island, who maintain the spiritual and cultural traditions of mutual respect and with Creation and with other nations. With Christian communities around with world celebrating Advent III (Joy), we share our grateful joy at a successful harvest uninterrupted by non-Indigenous protestors.
For the first time in seven years, the protestors are required to stand behind these wooden sawhorses as they gather to oppose the Haudenosaunee harvest of deer. The Haudenosaunee are exercising an inherent Indigenous right that is protected by treaty and the Canadian constitution. In past years, the protestors moved these sawhorses to create a barricade blocking entrance to the park, and the police allowed them to do so.
This change comes after years of community engagement and education by local Indigenous activists and Settler allies, including a number of CPTers. It also involved a great deal of prayerful, joyful, uncompromising presence at the entrance. Christian Peacemaker Teams Turtle Island Solidarity Network is deeply grateful for the hard work of these witnesses for peace, and the prayer support of so many over the years.