
28 June 2016

By Cory Lockhart

[Note: CPT Reservist Cory Lockhart works on the Palestine
team and for JustFaith Ministries.  Her reflection has been adapted for
CPTnet.  The original is available on her blog.]

 “So pretty, what a
waste,” he said with a smile on his face.  

An older gentleman approached me at a gathering recently and
started a conversation with those words. I think he thought he was giving me a



While I have control over the way I care for myself, I do
not have control over the face I was born with, or my hair, or the bones and
cartilage that give shape to my skin. These parts of my being are nothing to
take pride in because I did nothing to “earn” them.  

The man who made the comment knows me.

He knows I’ve been a teacher of Spanish and theology. 

He knows I’ve traveled the world and taught English in India
and Palestine.

He knows I’ve been a human rights defender in Palestine.

He knows that I now speak and write about my experiences.

He knows I sing well.

I have made many life choices that I feel good about,
choices that I know have benefited me and I believe have also, in a very small
way, benefited the world.

The way I look has never entered into my decisions or
ability to do any of those things.

I have also made choices that likely would not have even
been options if I were married and/or had children. While there are times when
I have longed for those things, it would be ungracious of me to deny the
richness that my life has offered, and continues to offer, because I am single.
It would be ungracious to deny the profound impact of the people who have
entered, and sometimes also exited, my life.

But apparently, in the mind of this gentleman, because I am,
by his standards, “pretty” and also not married, somehow my life is wasted. The
other implication, that people who, by his standards, aren’t pretty have
little to offer a marriage, is equally insulting.  So… No.




My looks are not the best I have to offer. I did not work
for them. They don’t make me any more capable of being in any relationship
in a fruitful way.  And I will not always have them.  

Regardless of how I look, I am proud that I am trying to live
according to my values (with varying degrees of success). I will always
have the fact that I am trying to live a life of integrity.

will always have the memories of my time
in El Salvador and Guatemala and India and Palestine, at home, and in so many other
places. If I had chosen not to take advantage of the opportunities that have
presented themselves in my life, that would be a waste. 

When I look at the people I know, I am astounded by the
breadth and depth of their care for me, for others, for our world. These people
have helped shape who I am and they continue to support me as I walk my

 To the best of my
knowledge, none of those relationships are or were based on my looks: whether I
am “pretty” or not, whether I wear make-up or tweeze my eyebrows or dye my
graying hair or shave my legs. To the best of my knowledge, none of those
things are the reason that I am single, either. And if marital status is the
only relationship that someone thinks validates my worth, then no thank you.
 I am valuable simply because I am

Dear women and girls, whether YOU choose to wear make-up or
tweeze or dye or shave is completely up to you, but please know that doing – or
not doing – any of those things does not make you any more worthy of care or
respect. Anyone who can’t see your value beyond your natural looks or the way
you choose to present yourself is not worth your time. Whether you choose
single life or married life or some other kind of life is up to you. Anyone who
judges your value based on only one particular relationship (or lack
thereof) is not worth your time. 

Dear men and boys, whether the women and girls you know
choose to wear make-up or tweeze or dye or shave is completely up to them and
no one else. If you are a father, make sure your daughters know this. Their
beauty, the beauty of all of us, goes much deeper than what you can see. Dear
men and boys, take the time to discover the beauty that comes from deep within,
not the “pretty” you can easily see. And if the women and girls you know are “pretty”
and you want to compliment them, make sure they know that you value more than
the way they look.

I am more than “pretty.” Being so (by some
person’s standards) does not make my worth any greater than anyone else’s.
You, too, are more than what I can see; you are valuable simply because you are.
Let us look beyond the surface, so that we can see all people as they truly
are, as Thomas Merton described it, “shining like the sun.”

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