Prayers for Peacemakers 23 March 2017


Prayers for Peacemakers 23 March 2017

This week in Prayers for Peacemakers we lift up a prayer of
great thanksgiving for a successful Sabeel conference two weeks ago, and
Steering Committee meetings, last week. Paraphrasing Psalm
133:1, “How good and pleasant it is when teammates sit together in
unity!” Sabeel, an ecumenical center for liberation theology in
Jerusalem, is a partner of Christian Peacemaker Teams Palestine. Together in
unity, we affirm the prophetic call of the Gospel to renounce violence and
dominative power. 

We also give thanks that Steering Committee meetings took place
in Hebron so that board members who could travel here had the chance to meet
teammates and participate in the work of the Palestine team on-the-ground. With
the context in mind they deliberated over matters in order to build an
organizational culture of justice, inclusion, mutual respect and welcome (CPT Faith Identity statement). We thank God
for this good and pleasant opportunity to be together, even in the intensity of
the context of Israeli military occupation.

CPT Reservist, Administrative Staff, and Steering Committee members

CPT Reservists, Administrative staff, and Steering Committee
members from 5 countries joined the Sabeel conference, and the work of the team
on the ground in Hebron/Al-Khalil.

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