Prayers for
Peacemakers. 19 May, 2017
This week we would like to share a good news and express
our gratitude for the nomination of CPT for the Nobel Peace Prize. The American
Friends Service Committee has announced their official nominee for the 2017
Nobel Peace Prize and it is Christian Peacemaker Teams!
This is a great honor for the organization. At the same
time, we acknowledge that we are but partners to those who truly transform the
world. We wait for the time when our presence in Colombia, Iraqi Kurdistan,
Palestine, Canada, U.S.A. and Greece will not be needed anymore. We would
prefer that both Peace and Justice have already prevailed in each corner of
this world.
Today we give thanks for the American Friends Service
Committee and their recognition of our work. Let us give thanks for all of our
partners around the world, for their resistance and commitment. Let us remember
their struggle in our prayers. Let us pray and work together for the end of all
forms of violence so that organizations like CPT would not be needed anymore.
Let us pray for all members of CPT, the field teams, the administrative team
and for everyone who works hard for peace and justice. This acknowledgment
belongs to all of us!
Isaiah 55: 12
You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains
and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will
clap their hands